Needs Improvement
Problem 6: Correct solution
13-20 points
Solution is correct and complete with no errors
7-12 points
Solution is complete and has minimal errors; errors may be
computation or transcription errors
1-6 points
Solution has multiple errors; solution may be partially
there but not complete
0 points
Solution is incorrect or nonexistent; major math errors or
flaws in reasoning
Problem 6: Demonstrates understanding and problem-solving skills
13-20 points
Demonstrates complete
understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes; plan of
attack is correct
7-12 points
Demonstrates substantial
understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes; procedure is
substantially correct with minor procedural errors
1-6 points
Response shows incomplete
understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes; procedure
contains a major fault
0 points
Response shows a complete lack
of understanding of the problem; plan of attack is inappropriate
Problem 6: Completeness
11-15 points
All bullet points in the
assignment directions are addressed
6-10 points
Most bullet points in the assignment
directions are addressed
1-5 points
Very few bullet points in the
assignment directions are addressed
0 points
None of bullet points in the
assignment directions are addressed
Problem 6: Solution is organized and formatted correctly
7-10 points
Work is organized; all
mathematical work is formatted using the equation editor; all steps are shown
4-6 points
Work is mostly organized; all
mathematical work is formatted using the equation editor, most of the steps
are shown
1-3 points
Work is unorganized; mathematics
not formatted using the equation editor; numerous steps missing
0 points
Work is unorganized; no work
Problem 10: Correct solution
13-20 points
Solution is correct and complete with no errors
7-12 points
Solution is complete and has minimal errors; errors may be
computation or transcription errors
1-6 points
Solution has multiple errors; solution may be partially
there but not complete
0 points
Solution is incorrect or nonexistent; major math errors or
flaws in reasoning
Problem 10: Demonstrates understanding and problem-solving
13-20 points
Demonstrates complete
understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes; plan of
attack is correct
7-12 points
Demonstrates substantial
understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes; procedure is
substantially correct with minor procedural errors
1-6 points
Response shows incomplete understanding
of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes; procedure contains a major
0 points
Response shows a complete lack
of understanding of the problem; plan of attack is inappropriate
Problem 10: Completeness
11-15 points
All bullet points in the assignment
directions are addressed
6-10 points
Most bullet points in the assignment
directions are addressed
1-5 points
Very few bullet points in the
assignment directions are addressed
0 points
None of bullet points in the
assignment directions are addressed
Problem 10: Solution is organized and formatted correctly
7-10 points
Work is organized; all
mathematical work is formatted using the equation editor; all steps are shown
4-6 points
Work is mostly organized; all
mathematical work is formatted using the equation editor, most of the steps
are shown
1-3 points
Work is unorganized; mathematics
not formatted using the equation editor; numerous steps missing
0 points
Work is unorganized; no work
Reflection: Process for each problem
13-20 points
Student focuses on the topic and articulates a viewpoint
that is well-reasoned and clearly communicated.
7-12 points
Student focuses mostly on the topic; the viewpoint is
somewhat clear; reasoning needs to be developed but is clearly communicated.
1-6 points
Student does not remain on topic; the viewpoint is weakly
articulated or difficult to understand.
0 points
Student does not respond to the topic.
Reflection: Working with a partner
13-20 points
Student focuses on the topic and articulates a viewpoint
that is well-reasoned and clearly communicated.
7-12 points
Student focuses mostly on the topic; the viewpoint is
somewhat clear; reasoning needs to be developed but is clearly communicated.
1-6 points
Student does not remain on topic; the viewpoint is weakly
articulated or difficult to understand.
0 points
Student does not respond to the topic.
Reflection: Successes and Failures
13-20 points
Student focuses on the topic and articulates a viewpoint
that is well-reasoned and clearly communicated.
7-12 points
Student focuses mostly on the topic; the viewpoint is
somewhat clear; reasoning needs to be developed but is clearly communicated.
1-6 points
Student does not remain on topic; the viewpoint is weakly
articulated or difficult to understand.
0 points
Student does not respond to the topic.
Reflection: Grammar
7-10 points
Student demonstrates
clear and grammatically correct use of expression that enhances clarity and
4-6 points
Very few errors in
grammar, punctuation, and expression; student’s expression and meaning is
1-3 points
Several errors in grammar,
punctuation, and expression throughout that make some of the student’s
meaning unclear.
0 points
Significant number of
errors in grammar, punctuation, and expression throughout that make it
difficult to understand student’s meaning.