Week 8 Assignment |
Exemplary 18-20 points |
Proficient 16-17.8 points |
Developing 14-15.8 points |
Beginning 12-13.8 points |
Inadequate 0-11.8 points |
Comprehension of Assignment (20% of grade) |
Drop-down menu: 20 18 pts. The persuasive essay presents a convincing and insightful argument. The writer takes a position and supports it with carefully chosen and compelling evidence that appeals to both logic and emotions. The writer explains important opposing arguments and offers strong rebuttals. |
Drop down menu: 17.8 16 pts. The persuasive essay presents a well-defined argument. The writer takes a position and supports it with sufficient evidence. The writer offers counter-arguments. |
Drop-down menu: 15.8 14 pts. The persuasive essay presents a minimally defined argument. The writer takes a position and attempt to support this position, but the evidence is underdeveloped and only partially elaborated. The writer may mention opposing arguments, but the rebuttal is weak or absent. |
Drop-down menu: 13.8 12 pts. The persuasive essay presents a weakly developed argument. The writer takes a position but offers minimal and/or inappropriate evidence to support its claim. |
Drop-down menu: 11.8 0 pts. The persuasive essay presents an ineffective argument. The writer may fail to take a position or offer only poorly chosen evidence to support the claim. |
Application of Course Knowledge and Content (20% of grade) |
Drop-down menu: 20 18 pts. The essay is focused, demonstrates a clear sense of purpose and audience, and uses appropriate tone and style. |
Drop down menu: 17.8 16 pts. The essay generally maintains its focus and demonstrates a sense of purpose, tone, and audience. |
Drop-down menu: 15.8 14 pts. The essay generally maintains its focus but may occasionally stray off topic. Its sense of purpose, tone, and audience may be unclear. |
Drop-down menu: 13.8 12 pts. The writers ideas are difficult to follow because of significant problems in one or more the following areas: unclear focus, weak controlling idea, and redundancy. Style and tone may be inappropriate for the audience. |
Drop-down menu: 11.8 0 pts. Ideas and explanations are absent, irrelevant, unsupported by evidence, or incomprehensible. The essay lacks focus. Style and tone are inappropriate for the audience. |
Organization of Ideas (20% of grade) |
Drop-down menu: 20 18 pts. Organization is coherent with appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs to create a cohesive whole. |
Drop down menu: 17.8 16 pts. Organization is generally clear with transitions between paragraphs. A competency with language is apparent. |
Drop-down menu: 15.8 14 pts. Organization is clear enough to follow. A limited control of language is apparent. |
Drop-down menu: 13.8 12 pts. Organization is unclear. Writing demonstrates weak control of language. |
Drop-down menu: 11.8 0 pts. The essay lacks organization, making the writers ideas difficult to follow. Writing demonstrates weak control of language. |
Writing Skills (20% of grade) |
Drop-down menu: 20 18 pts. Word choice is precise, sentences are varied, and
grammatical errors are rare or absent. The assignment meets the APA
requirements. |
Drop down menu: 17.8 16 pts. Word choice is appropriate and sentences are sometimes varied. Some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. The assignment mostly meets the APA requirements. |
Drop-down menu: 15.8 14 pts. Word choice is imprecise and sentences may be poorly constructed or confusing. Errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. APA requirements are attempted. |
Drop-down menu: 13.8 12 pts. A pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics significantly interferes with meaning. Little or no attempt to follow APA requirements is demonstrated. |
Drop-down menu: 11.8 0 pts. Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning. Little or no attempt to follow APA requirements is demonstrated. |
Revision Skills (20% of grade) |
Drop-down menu: 20 18 pts. Revisions are extensive and make effective improvements to the essay. |
Drop down menu: 17.8 16 pts. Revisions are significant and demonstrate a thoughtful effort to improve the essay. |
Drop-down menu: 15.8 14 pts. Some revisions have been made, but minimal improvements are evident. |
Drop-down menu: 13.8 12 pts. Revisions are minor and may consist primarily of editing. |
Drop-down menu: 11.8 0 pts. Little or no evidence of revision is apparent. Changes may consist only of editing. |
Total: 100 pts.